Wednesday, March 30, 2005

my heart totally incredibly melts whenever 1) anybody mentions him. 2) i mention him myself. 3) he's right in front of me going (Yeh?) what's this? the feeling is incredibly uncanny( in a nice way somehow) and Immense somehow. definitely Magnetism. ha one thing's for sure. I'll definitely get hitched to a guy who lets me play footie. wait a sec, what let? well just hope there is man somewhere out there who will play soccer together when we are a couple, when we're with kids.(must have more kids, so maybe we could have a 5-a side teaM) that means i must have 8 kids! wow. totally wonderful : ) and when we are grey and old and when all of our kids have left us to get a life of their own( probably not all at once 'cos I am havin 8, innit?) just to play the passionate game with him and still enjoy it just like ever, at that AGe. wow i can see it. Now that's what i call romantic. really. My ideal man! anybody fits the category? well one thing's for sure, we'll be really very busy. :)