Wednesday, July 13, 2005

woho this is my second post on a same day. first of all three very important people have been nicknamed by a very important person-moi. 1)Puteri Nadirah was nicknamed putty on the 12/07/05 at 10-ish. 2)Leia Salic V Vilamayor was nicknamed L-Ly on the 12/07/05 at 10 ish. 3)Lavanya Kannathass was nicknamed Lavvy on the god knows when.. haha well they all seem to rhyme tho. : ) and remeber L-ly i know it when you are hurt just by looking into those amazing hazel eyes : ) I am here right where u need me. I just wish we could go back to old times.(during debate) (so lesbian-y.. come on laugh : )