Wednesday, August 17, 2005

RENESH aka KANDA MAMA!!! I miss you! looks i miss people too much.. especially the RRSSSssss. DAmn. One's in Aust while the other is in CAN. One's my relative- that's Renesh. WHile the other is my..... - you know the rest la.. One's good in soccer and is a virgo while the other is good in basketball and is a Libran. AM i doing a comparison question for Social studies paper here? Oh yeah i forgot to cross refer!!! Oh wait a minute do I have too?haha Our semi-final-and everything else is happening later on- i am typing in from school u see..: ) Have two wishes today.. ONE.. to win the compe : ) TWO to see the people around me whom i love to be happy. Sweet aren't I? OMG self appraisal is an International disgrace. Sorry i can be like that to myself at times. youknow its just Lavanya : )