Thursday, April 20, 2006

I think about all the things ; that you’ll fantasize . Lavanya Kannthass or Lavanya Sasha Kanathass? better? ohman. its crazy. I feel like changing my email add but then iIwould have to notify everyone and all so i didn't.I wanna change a million things but this would affect people and why do i care so much? I guess that's what makes me.I just love people too much. Mum told me that once!and gerri is so goddamned funny and the word she uses the most- i don't know I like the name SASHA. and like I told I was mistaken for eurasian once again. It is true to a ceratin extent I guess. Cos' portugese roots are there. so yeah. NAGA outing was good. oh i shall tell smthing about both camps.Both interest me cos of two different people on each camps respectively. okay I feel like talking about the two of them but let's just keep then anonymous. say SALT & PEPPER. Salt - from Sports camp Pepper- from FOC camp Note:I have this stupid what do they call sty? in my eye and it hurts.Back to haunt me after 2 years.I hate when you come and live ib ny EYE. i need the fuchiiili.. whatever cream and water is just oozing and blurry vision etc. Salt is this hot at first look person who is so goddamned nice and has very good qualities and all of it.Salt has nice ear holes and we have talked but doesnt know I kind of BULLETed SALT. I think Salt knows cos i kind of made it obvious. My eyes gave it all away ;as usual Pepper is this so unknown person whom i didnt even know . sad to say existed. You never see it coming; you’re blinded from the start. But once I knew the kind of person Pepper was, I couldn't take my eyes off. Just as mystical as MY MOON and nice and cuddly. I LOVE PEPPER! You mention both the camps to me and I can only think of SALT&PEPPER. They have affected me that much and I love them both ohhh DEBBIE QUEEN! I LOVE YOU and i want to see you too! love you.


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