Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Thursday, December 08, 2005

heythere.Feels funny cos in about 24 hrs time. I will be getting ready to go on the plane to India-suck.I am not even interested; not even one bit.I'll be back only in two long,boring weeks time.I miss L-ly baby and mama'.I think both of them will only return after i come back. *Sulks* but anyway bye everybody, going to do this survey-like thing and rightnow I'm Mrs Garcia! =D what is your 2nd name?
I dont have one.
what is your hair colour ?
hmph naturally balck
where you study ?
right now, just finished my 'O's
how old are you?
17+ where could you be seen?
hmph in school
are you angry at anyone?
nope : )
who was the last one who called you?
my cousin, Rishan
who is the last one who messaged you?
Ram. : )
who was the last person who hurt youphysically?
hmm no one; NO WAY i'm a strong girl
do you talk with people you don't know?
yeah especially friendly ones.
do you love shopping ?
does window shopping count?yeah i do.
what is your favourite colour ?
I think it has to be black.
do you miss anyone?
Yes, L-ly baby.
who do you like to meet?
Chad Michael Murray
do you buy CDs of your favorite band/artist?
Oh yes.
when was the last time you drank any alcoholicdrink?
hmph day before yesterday i think.
what was that alcoholic drink?
Martini dry
where was the last time you drank coffee? i
don't drink coffee.Caffein's off my list.
have you entered a bar? yupyup.
what was the last place you go beforeanswering this ?
hmm to my wardrobe.
go for what ?
to see what are some of the clothes i need for an upcoming trip. : )
how many fingers do you have?
hmm 10?
what was the last thing you ate?
Danish Butter Cookies. Yum.
what was the last thing you drank?
Apple juice with Aloe Vera bits in it
what song are you listeing to?
Run It by Chris brown Feat Julez Santana
what do you feel when people compliments you?
do you think kids like you?
i guess o cos i am a kid myself ;)
do you chat with foreigners? yes.
do you still chat with them?
yeah. half of the time i'm on MSN.
last person who you shared stuff with?
hmmm my mum and my sis.
is there anyone you want to say mean things to ?
No i ain't mean : )
what are they? NA.
are you having fun today?
yeah just at home, chillin'
do you have any projects to submit?
have you done it?
what is it about anyway?
have you ever admired someone eversince andyou're still admiring that person? :
):) yes!
do you love your school?
The teachers, my friends just make me feel loved.My teachers'll do anything for us.
when was the last time you felt sick?
hmm during my 'O's.
what were you feeling? Sick?
do you think you are attractive? i guess so..
do you have any suitors?
OHYEAH! David Rocco, Eric Bana, Sanz Luis Garcia.(I'm Miss Garcia : )
what will you do after answering this?
pack my stuff up for my holiday-ing tmrw.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005

I MISS IT, REALLy. I miss my morning rides to school. I miss the singing of national anthem. I miss lessons. I miss my teachers. I miss my school.