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I CAN SEE YOUR DREAMS ; LIKE THEY WERE MINE. hey world :) I promised a long entry. SO here's one :) ITS TONGUE LONG. -school -family -friends( hightlights.. huda who made all excting) ok.period. Let's start with. SCHOOL. The first weekof school just started and it already feels as if I've been to schhol like for a month or smoething. The lecturers, the timetabe, the walking-up-the-mini-hills(once even running..), the food, the mobilelaptop sessions, the social life and the MODULES and the new friends and the lepaking sessions at the atrium( i think the atrium is more lepak-y in comparison to canteen one..cos of the FOC people) and the FMS orientation programmes. Its interesting to see how everyone in the campus, all the year ones are feeling and doing exactly the same thing-adjusting in.Our lecturer, I think it was Mr Jerome Lo, he said it that it took up to about three months or was it 3 weeks to adjust in and all but for now I'm having fun but i have to say this, my first few days were a bit sucky, fir me that it. I don't know I had this weird feeling on my back all the time but it was thanks to my friends who shunned it away from me. What would I do wihtout them? shut down. The scavenger hunt was nice and we won first! Kudos to us :). Our team( i think we could have named ours NAGA), all nagarians consisted of me, shafik, stefan, jieting and parthe. Running around and doing the sisuasua cheer for the some of the stationmasters brought me back memories from the camp. I like that. The film screening on wednesday gave us an insight to the short films done by the students of FSV( Film Sound & Video) and personally I liked the 3rd one ; G23. Very bold and different. The last event was the bowling competition on friday( this is when i had to RUN up the mini hill) at the Civil Service Club at Bukit Batok. My group came in 3rd. A total HUH?. I liek the prizes which they gave out for both the scavenger hunt and the bowling party-borders cards. Now i can satify my thirst for maybe a book and some music! COOLIOS. Now on to my FAMILY . There was a bit of crisis and chaos earlier this week but it eventually settled down. I don't really like it when the elders in my family talk THROUGH me to get at someone because they expect you to be quiet or neutral and for me i have to say something but when that is done , I'm marked as biased. OHWELLS. All's well now. I miss spending time with my family in the weekdays so now its just total family time for the weekend and even better because it's Labour day tomorrow.I'll be going out with my mum later and I know we'llhave a nice time.Oh and my sis-s want me to teach them the FOC Mass Dance. So we'll do that tomorrow. I miss spending time with my sis-s like I did before.As we grow, everyone's just so busy. Kanch comes back at about 6-ish, 7 almost everyday and mugs. Prev comes back home, does her stuff, eats, slacks, goofs a lil' and then off she goes to do a tuition homework and then off she goes to bed.AND THEN...I come home and take a shower download my notes, print them out and eat and byt he time i actually look around, EVERYONE's in LALA land already. I misss my family time. FRIENDS. I think this guy in my class is :). I am called ROY and I love it when he calls me that. It sounds different even when some of the others call me that and I named him Jaime and he likes it. My class suddenly bonded over lunch during when was that I think on Thursday. crazy shit I tell you. We were so high we even started our own class blog( check my links for T104.) and yes it was my idea. HURHURHRUR. Then there's the crazy FOC bunch for after-school. Steph, Shafik & Sabrina( now and then because of timetables differ too much).Then LINA, the crazy monkey woman who's so in love with MOULIN ROUGE with me. Haha we even played the the different soundtracks simultaneously from our her hp and my milkdoc ad we got SOOOOO EXCITED. I like the feeling of excitement.. which brings me to another 'new friend found'-friend... BUT WAIT .. before that, I MISS 06A1, damn alot. I wish we could all meet up before the MI carnival but i guess not because everyone seems so busy well maybe except for weekends but as ironice as might seem I want to spend time with my family as in family activities( if there any) will get priority but othe than that if there aren't ay then I don'e mind time you guys. OH and.. PHECDA 2! Goddess totally misses you. Good thing I have Queen ( Debbie), Noble Servant ( Gabriel) and Unwise Wiseman( Keng Liang) and Chef ( Wei Xin.. somehwere i havent see her once 'round campus) or else I'll just die. I miss Housekeeper( Min Hui) and HGS ( Sulasteri). Guys please turn for Mi carnival. I know you guys woud but ANYWAY. hee That's when the PHECDA 2 Royalty shallbe in force again. My Secondary school friends, I see them all the time in NP and its good that i see them. I hope we can spend more time too. I think I see wenting( ohbashang ) and Layhwee( mei) alot around the campus oh and Yeehuay( Dorothy ) I always see her up the hill or down the hill ; opposite ways and of course the rest. Sharir, Khai, Issac, Karen, Valerie, Alvin, Serene , Vanessa , Rabiah and sometimes I see Guna , Ismail and DInesh around as well and Yes Miss Ong I'm enjoying my time in school and SO NOT slacking off pls and you take care too okay. Such high fever? Are the current Sec 4-ians driving you nuts with their over enthuness about the whole preparing for the 'O's saga? You just chill and look the picture I gave you, you'll never when I'll be there by your side asking for sweets again :) hee. Leia :) I saw her that day and MYOHMY did she get a shock. You know she just walked in so cool and i was like did she already knwo that I was here and I looked at Khai but he gave me that " no i didnt tell her" look, so i just shouted her name and she went, "OHHHH lavvy`baby!" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. That was my motive- mission accomplised. YES AH! Had a nice time, Just the usual stuff. Cam-whoring, goofin'. just talking. I love you L-ly.. If you haven't really noticed, I Like nicknamiing my friends. I feel close to them in this way and now am finding and want inspiration for one for HUDA. HUDA WHO? HUDA ALL man :)

Its a long story. I didn't even know her but i noticed her for her independence-ness and her fascination for BOOKS. I liked it, when everybody was just buzzing away in MI( when i was there) and she was just reading her James book with her friend for company with her! I SOOO LOEK THAT. and that SMILE. OOOOOOH. She 's pretty in & OUT. 200 % pls. I so want that PE moment back. Noticed her and 28 march came and sha asked me this question, " Do you think we can go?" and I have no idea what i said and she gave me 'that' look and i was like "OH NO"! and i saw her a couple of times but we never go to talk UNTIL she lost her wallet and darling ashley helped with that matter and i found her on friendster and then on MSN and voila We CLICKED. I don't even have to say anything. The way we REACT is exactly the same. Its darn special and it'ssuch a connection like i've known her for darn long. I wasn't well known and I dont know why but I have this big feeling that Huda dances well. Come on, the hair the bling the body the heart the smile and the rhythm for DANCE & LOVE, baby youo sure are! I can't wait to see you SHAKE SHAKE like a POLAROID picture! She's one of 'em whom you can't help but care for cos' its just like that. Its a magical and mysterious feeling like the MOON. Totally. and like me, SHE LOVES HER MAN. STILL. I SO LIKE the sincerity and the loyalty and like i told I have a feeling and normaly this kind of feelings can be trusted so believe me when i say ( not saying this just to please you..really) but everything will be back. you and the BOY. he missed such a HUGE CREMAMAMA LOLLIPOP!!! you just watch. Love is rewarding for people like you. people like you huda. You're like one whole cheecake. make me feel good all the time!! For you huda love, it expalins all,
Baby, I'm gonna put your skin on mine Be inside you all my life And if you let your heart open up your mind There's a whole new world on the other side I'm gonna be your satellite I'll hang over your world at night And I can hear you sleep beneath the candlelight
I can see your dreams like they were mine She my 'soul' twin. see what i do during Mi carnival. Fantasized something.hehs. I wanna see you and him, hand in hand, heart in heart and soul in soul; THAT DAY WILL COME and. that'll be my happy starting for you :)